TAROT A DAILY INSPIRATION PRACTICE – How pulling a single card everyday adds needed inspiration to your life. 

Why do a daily card pull? If you are looking for an easy effective way to get inspiration back in your life this class is for you. We don’t use tarot to tell your fortune or who you’er gonna meet but to give you daily inspiration from the cards that get your life back on track. In just ten minutes a day you too will discover new inspiration and find support for what ever is happening in your life. I know because it worked for me.

How I discovered it and why I want to teach it to you.  

After taking a Jung and Tarot online class last year with renowned Jungian Psychologist Ken James I joined an on line Facebook group called Jungian Tarot and More. They suggested pulling a card everyday so I started not thinking much about it.  That was in March of 2023.  It’s been almost a year now and after doing this everyday for hundreds of days I realized just how much my life had changed. How the cards inspired me and reminded me of what I can and need to do about life situations. Sometimes they even helped me remember important life lessons I had forgotten. They offered me valuable support and I found them always inspiring.  We need new inspiration to make life more active, fun and engaged. I know because I felt this way.  At times we tend to give up and think we are not as valuable as we once were and question what we have to offer. We need to get back our zest for life.  This class helps us do just that and it’s easy and fast.

Every day when I pull a card I feel inspired and once inspired everything else falls into place.  When we have a new intention it helps change the direction of our lives. Unless we know what we want we can’t consciously work on it but once we know we can. We look forward to the change. We start to notice new support and events showing up to help us achieve our goals. Being inspired actually lets you explore new directions or thoughts.  That’s what happened to me.

Carl Jung the Swiss Psychologist loved the tarot, he felt that if you sincerely ask a question the universe will answer you in the synchronicity of the card you pull.  All the tarot is are 78 cards with possible situations that can happen to anyone and advice on what you can do. Sometimes things need to end, sometimes they need to begin.  Sometimes you just need to know you are supported and what you might need to look at closer.

In this class you will learn easy steps of how to pull a daily card, look up your reading on line, what to do with the information and get the inspiration it has to offer. 

After 20 years of teaching Inspirational classes like Intuitive Painting I know how much being inspired can change a life. I would like to teach you to use the tarot to do the same.  To sign up for a class please contact me at carolyn_winkler@comcast.com  I look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have.

Cost of Class $75 per person. On Zoom or in Person if you live in Portland Oregon on 3rd Wednesday evening of the month, at my studio in North Portland from 6-9. Class is 3 hours. Will schedule a zoom class once we have enough people.